Saturday, September 24, 2005

Oh~test, test and test

Someone say I have a likeness of a character in a cartoon--->
(the same of coarse eyebrows)I don't know what I should say....XP

In school, I have many tests. I need some time to prepare for it, but I havea lot of homework so that my grades are sometimes not good...
And the examination is coming in three weeks. I start to feel nervous.
I don't want to fail~~ah~~~~~

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Basics about myself

My name? Do you remember? It's Frank. I am a Sagittarius.
I am a fun-loving and kind person. but I feel uneasy in a new environment. People who know me for a while ago maybe think me so quiet, in fact, I am very noisy....
I love sleeping and playing computer games. But I have had less time to do that since I entered the senior high school.
I have a happy family and many good friends. I have felt so satisfied already. ^^Y

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The other day.....

Thursday, when I waited for the train on a platform at a MRT station, I met my old friend who was my elementary school and junior high school classmate, Winnie. (She is also the person who wrote the first journal in my blog) I was so excited and happy. We chated about new life. But "wonderful time always pass quickly". The train arrived. I cannot but say "good bye" to her. I hope we can keep in touch forever.

My summer vacation^^

Everyday, I often turn on the computer first, and then washed my face and brushed my teeth. After that, I watched TV or played some on-line games. Sometimes, I also took MRT to visit my classmates, and went shopping or went to Internet cafe. When there was nothing special, I read a book at home. This is most of my summer vacation~

My English name.....

I declare first. My real English name is Frank, not "B.H.". B.H is my nickname. That means "big head". That's all. Thank you! XD